Cockroach Control Treatment In Dubai

The cockroaches are the most common pests in the homes, restaurants, hotels & offices. They do not discriminate between food and filth. Their small body size helps them to hide in tiny crack and crevice. Their presence is not only annoying but also unhygienic due to their stinking body secretion. They not only contaminate food and utensils but also take active part in the spread of disease causing organisms leading to dysentery, diarrhea and salmonellas (food poisoning).

The cockroaches are positively linked to human allergens leading to asthma. Cockroaches impart dark stains and unpleasant odors to the surfaces they frequent, giving impression of unhygienic conditions.

We use an advanced and safe Cockroach Gel Treatment that will get rid of cockroaches from your home, office and commercial space within 3 hours. Once we apply the gel on sensitive areas of the premises including kitchen cabinets and platforms, bathroom corners, electrical points, near the fridge, etc., cockroaches will begin to die as they come in contact with the gel. Similarly, other cockroaches will begin to die too, as they come in contact with the infected cockroaches.



Our Cockroach & General Pest Control Treatment includes 3 services at an interval of 4 months in a year. If you are dealing with a severe cockroach infestation in your commercial establishment anywhere dubai, contact us to inspect your premises and we will work out a service plan that is best suited for you.


  • • We are experts in pest control.
  • • We promise 100% guaranteed eradication of cockroaches as per commitment.
  • • Our cockroach treatment gel is completely odourless and safe. Hence, there is no need to move your possessions or vacate the premises.
  • • If there is a reoccurrence of cockroaches during the contract period, we will give you a Free Service till the problem is completely resolved.

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